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(20 Results Found)6:00 PM| 717 Notre-Dame Street
TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of Russell will hold a public meeting on the 3rd day of February 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the Township of Russell, 717 Notre-Dame Street, in the Gaston Patenaude Hall, Embrun, to discuss the Community Improvement Plan for the villages of Embrun and Russell.
The Community Improvement Plan applies to a portion of the Village Core and Commercial Sectors of the Villages of Russell and Embrun. Refer to full document on the website at www.russell.ca/cipvillages for specific area of the CIP.
The purpose and effect of the Community Improvement Plan is to support and improve the Village Core and Commercial Sectors of the Villages of Russell and Embrun through the use of design guidelines and various grants and incentive programs to promote continued investment. Several programs are being proposed intended to promote revitalization; and, to facilitate upgrades for enhanced accessibility for persons with disabilities.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the Community Improvement Plan is available for consultation from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 717 Notre-Dame Street, Embrun, or by contacting the Economic Development Department at 613-443-3066.
6:00 PM| Town Hall (717 Notre Dame Street, Embrun)
The Committee provide advice and recommendations to the Council of the Township of Russell and the United Counties of Prescott and Russell in accordance to matters relating to planning issues. Learn more about this committee on the Committees webpage.
This event may include a Planning Advisory Committee meeting and/or a Committee of Adjustment meeting, based on items to be discussed.
5:00 PM| 4629 Grégoire Road, Marionville, Ontario, K4R 1E5
Come and join the festivities for the Marionville Carnaval from Feb 07 to 09
Check flyer on Facebook at "Marionville Winter Carnival-Carnaval de Marionville"
5:30 PM| Camille Piché Community Centre, 8 Blais Street, Embrun
Baked Beans
Shepherds' Pie
10:00 AM| 4629 Grégoire Road, Marionville, Ontario, K4R 1E5
Come and join the festivities for the Marionville Carnaval from Feb 07 to 09
Check flyer on Facebook at "Marionville Winter Carnival-Carnaval de Marionville"
9:30 AM| 4629 Grégoire Road, Marionville, Ontario, K4R 1E5
Come and join the festivities for the Marionville Carnaval from Feb 07 to 09
Check flyer on Facebook at "Marionville Winter Carnival-Carnaval de Marionville"
6:00 PM| 717 Notre Dame Street, Embrun, ON K0A 1W1
This meeting is held in person.
Watch the live broadcast on our YouTube page. Please note the broadcast is for viewing only and it will end if the Council moves into a closed session meeting.
6:00 PM| 717 Notre-Dame Street
The Township of Russell invites all interested persons to attend a Statutory Public Open House to consider revisions and provide input on the Township’s Draft Official Plan, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17(16) of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, as amended.
Presentation at 6:15 p.m.
View full notice for more details.
7:00 AM| N/A
Regular garbage and recycling collection will be delayed by one day this week due to Family Day. The collection scheduled for Monday will be picked up Tuesday, Tuesday collection on Wednesday, and so on.
Please remember to have your items at the curb before 7:00a.m. to ensure you don't miss your collection.
8:30 AM| Town Hall (717 Notre Dame Street, Embrun)
Town Hall is closed for a public holiday.
7:00 AM| N/A
Regular garbage and recycling collection will be delayed by one day this week due to Family Day. The collection scheduled for Monday will be picked up Tuesday, Tuesday collection on Wednesday, and so on.
Please remember to have your items at the curb before 7:00a.m. to ensure you don't miss your collection.
6:30 PM| 717 Notre Dame Street, Embrun, ON K0A 1W1
The committee is dedicated to promoting and fostering the development of a modern and progressive community in which all residents and visitors are welcome and comfortable, as well as valued and respected. Learn more about this committee on the Committees webpage.
7:00 AM| N/A
Regular garbage and recycling collection will be delayed by one day this week due to Family Day. The collection scheduled for Monday will be picked up Tuesday, Tuesday collection on Wednesday, and so on.
Please remember to have your items at the curb before 7:00a.m. to ensure you don't miss your collection.
6:30 PM| 717 Notre Dame Street, Embrun, ON K0A 1W1
The Committee will discuss matters relating to recreation, parks, and cultural matters within the Township of Russell. This is an in-person meeting. Learn more about this committee on the Committees webpage.
7:00 AM| N/A
Regular garbage and recycling collection will be delayed by one day this week due to Family Day. The collection scheduled for Monday will be picked up Tuesday, Tuesday collection on Wednesday, and so on.
Please remember to have your items at the curb before 7:00a.m. to ensure you don't miss your collection.
6:00 PM| Town Hall (717 Notre Dame Street, Embrun)
The Public Library Board will discuss topics relating to library services in the Township of Russell. Learn more about this board on the Committees webpage and on the library website.
This meeting is available in person only.
7:00 AM| N/A
Regular garbage and recycling collection will be delayed by one day this week due to Family Day. The collection scheduled for Monday will be picked up Tuesday, Tuesday collection on Wednesday, and so on.
Please remember to have your items at the curb before 7:00a.m. to ensure you don't miss your collection.
6:00 PM| 717 Notre Dame Street, Embrun, ON K0A 1W1
This meeting is held in person.
Watch the live broadcast on our YouTube page. Please note the broadcast is for viewing only and it will end if the Council moves into a closed session meeting.
6:00 PM| 717 Notre Dame Street, Embrun, ON K0A 1W1
Appointed by the Council of the Township of Russell with mandate to endeavour to enrich and enhance the quality of life of teens (14 to 18 years old) in the Township, identify barriers, form partnerships with the community, and act as a public forum for issues affecting teens.
Learn more about this committee on the Committees webpage.
The meeting will take place in the smaller meeting room behind Council Chamber.